The #1 Secret to Employee Retention

A giant hand reaches out to grab a fleeing employee

Want to know the number one secret to retaining your best employees? It’s pretty simple…hire right. 

When you hire the right people—those  employees who have the right competencies, the right attitude, and the right values to fit the job, the team and the organization—you won’t need to invest in any strong-arm tactics to keep them there. So…how do you hire right?

1. First you need a process…an attraction, hiring, interviewing and onboarding process that is practiced throughout the organization, not just a process outlined in the employee handbook. Establish a job profile for every job opening, select an interviewing team that, at a minimum, includes the hiring manager and critical members of the team, divide up the behavior-based competencies that need to be explored, and establish a rating system that all can use when the team reconvenes to discuss and determine next steps.

2. Probe for soft skills, not just hard. It is not just capability or experience that matters anymore. Cultural fit is critical. You need to hire people who subscribe to your organizational values and who will find a comfortable “home” in the way you do business each and every day. This is where you can rely on behavior based interviewing training to teach you and your interviewers how to dig beneath the surface of what the candidate says to how the candidate thinks, behaves and works in order to better predict how they will actually perform on the job.

3. Aim for consistency in how the organization presents itself. Keep in mind that you are in competition for the “A” players out there. Make sure that the job ads, job descriptions, and language of the interviewers are consistent with your company and employer brand. Accurately project who you are and how the company operates so you attract candidates who appreciate and look forward to joining your unique firm.

4. Assure a quality experience for the candidate. From the first screening by phone to the onboarding process for new hires, take a look at your organization through the candidates’ eyes. Think of them as customers who will talk about their experience with others. Make sure that what they say will be positive from beginning to end. It matters. 

Turnover costs big time. Increase employee engagement and employee retention by hiring right and you will see an increase in productivity and performance while strengthening your corporate culture.

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