Looking for the Superior Candidate – Get Good at these 2 Questions

As an interviewer, it is your job to evaluate multiple candidates and recommend which one would be the best to fill the job. You likely have your “favorite” questions…the ones you ask most often…but do they give you the information you need to make a wise and informed choice? 

Here are two questions that most interviewers cannot help but ask…
  1. What do you consider your greatest weakness? We have all heard the “I work too hard” response. Rather you want to hear a thoughtful, honest self-appraisal and a clear and practical commitment to improvement.
  2. What is your ideal job? Instead of the smart-alecky “this one” response, listen for understanding of what motivational, intellectual and behavioral competencies that your specific job and culture entails. If the job profile requires teamwork, you want to hear that the interviewee looks forward to working with others in challenging situations and values cooperation
Behavior-based interviewing training teaches you what questions to ask and how to dig behind the easy answers so that you can more accurately predict a candidate’s on-the-job performance.

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