3 Steps to Finding (and Keeping) Sales Super Heroes

3 business men in super hero capes celebrate their selection through behavior-based interviewing training

There may be no team more critical to the success of an enterprise than the sales team. You rely upon them for revenue, and if they are not set up to succeed, there are few resources available to support the rest of the organization.

You want super heroes on your sales team? Here are 3 steps you should take before you even begin to source potential candidates:
  1. Be absolutely clear about what it takes to sell successfully in your business.Create a profile with specific skills and behaviors so that you will recognize the ideal candidate when find them. And remember that you need someone who not only fits the skills profile but someone who shares your organization’s values and will fit in your unique sales culture.
  2. Assemble and educate the interview team.
    ut together a hiring team and make sure each member understands the specific criteria for success and their role in the hiring process. Each one should have “graduated” from behavior based interviewing training so they know how to ask the right questions that will dig deep enough to best predict on-the-job behavior. And stress that these interviews have priority. Few meetings matter more than selecting the team that will have such a huge impact on business success.
  3. Build an onboarding process and orientation plan that helps new hires be successful as soon as possible.
    igh performers, the ones you target to hire, especially need to be productive quickly in order to feel and stay engaged. They are used to winning. Ensure that they are able to contribute from the very beginning be designing a new hire orientation process that improves the speed to sales productivity.
Learn more at: http://www.lsaglobal.com/behavior-based-interviewing-training/

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