Never Stop Recruiting

A businessman is holding a sign that reads "Join Our Team"

Don’t let the “tyranny of the urgent” rule your hiring strategy. If you wait until there’s a job opening, you risk a huge loss in productivity and, if the open slot is on a sales team, a huge dent in revenue. Yes, the hiring process takes a lot of time and most sales folks resist anything that takes them away from their customers. But think of it this way…team success depends on the quality and dedication of team members. Lose or hire a top player and the consequences on team goals can be enormous.

Next, hire well.  Behavior based interviewing training can help you focus on the behavioral competencies that are necessary for success within your corporate culture and help you dig beneath the surface of a candidate to predict how they will behave on the job. With a clear list of intellectual, interpersonal and motivational competencies, a proven process for hiring, and well-trained, well-prepared behavioral interviewers, you can build the team of your dreams. 

So keep on the lookout for top performers and never stop recruiting. Maintain an active pipeline of prospects for expected and unexpected openings on your sales team. 

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