5 Tips for a Job Relationship That Will Last

It seems that we are better at choosing marriage partners than we are at finding a job with real staying power. The average marriage lasts about 8 years while average job turnover occurs less than every 5 years. Yet, initially, we want each relationship to last.

The first step is the interview or “first date.” Here are 5 tips from behavior based interviewing training experts on how to beat the odds on finding a solid job match. Be sure that:
  1. You and the organization have compatible “personalities.” You should feel that you would be comfortable long-term with the company culture and structure and that you would enjoy the work of the job itself.
  2. You are at your best. Beyond the obvious appropriate dress, etc., be fully prepared by researching the company and their business beforehand.
  3. You have specific examples of job relevant skills at the ready. 
  4. You avoid questions on salary (for the first interview anyway) and never comment negatively on previous employers. 
  5. You follow up with polite thanks for your interviewer’s time and interest.

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